
The flags of the Ukrainian Navy were hoisted on the boats Irpin and Reni, which were donated by Estonia

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The Ukrainian Navy received two boats donated by Estonia, named Irpin and Reni, during a ceremony at which naval flags were raised to mark their inclusion in the Ukrainian fleet.

On the occasion of their inclusion in the Ukrainian national fleet, the Irpin and Reni boats performed a ritual of raising the naval flags of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The boats, which were donated by Estonia, were named in honor of the heroic city of Irpin and the city of Reni. This was reported by the Ukrainian Navy, according to UNN.

On the occasion of the inclusion of the Irpin and Reni boats in the Ukrainian Navy, a ritual of raising the Naval Flags of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held. The ceremony, led by the Commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Vice Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa, was attended by a delegation from the Republic of Estonia, headed by Commodore Jüri Saska, Commander of the Estonian Navy 

- the statement said.

It is noted that the names of the boats donated by Estonia were assigned by order of the Navy Command in honor of the hero city of Irpin and the city of Reni, whose port is the closest to Estonia.

"Participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the fallen soldiers and civilians who died as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and lit memorial candles," the Navy said.

The commanders of the boats solemnly raised them on the flagpoles of the Irpin and Reni boats, and the guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the equipment of the boats, their running qualities and see the consequences of enemy attacks on Ukraine's port infrastructure during the crossing.

"The Irpin and Reni boats will perform combat missions, including the protection of civilian shipping," the Navy summarized.


The commander of the Ukrainian Navy saidthat they would be happy to accept two British frigates, which the UK plans to decommission in 2024 due to a shortage of sailors.


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