
May 2: World Tuna Day, International Password Day, Maundy Thursday

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Today, many countries around the world are celebrating Tuna Day, an event dedicated to regulating fishing and preserving the world's fisheries. The event, which was launched by the UN, was named so because tuna is one of the most popular fish in the world. According to the UN, almost one hundred countries are involved in the tuna industry.

Today, on May 2, various events are taking place in many countries around the world on the occasion of the event dedicated to the regulation of fishing and the conservation of fisheries resources of the World Ocean - Tuna Day, UNN writes.

The event was launched by the United Nations. It was named so because tuna is one of the most popular fish in the world.

According to the UN, almost one hundred countries are involved in the tuna industry. Fishing is necessary to meet the needs of the canning and culinary industries. Due to the excessive scale of commercial fishing, the population of tuna has sharply declined, and the environmental problem has become widespread, putting some species of tuna on the brink of extinction.  

Tuna can weigh more than 680 kg and be over 4.5 meters long. The largest bluefin tuna ever caught with a spinning rod was caught off the coast of Canada in 1979. The record fish weighed 678.5 kg.

In 2012, a 222 kg tuna caught in Japan was sold for a record-breaking amount of USD 1 million 760 thousand.

Since 2013, the first Thursday of May has been the International Password Day.

This month, all Internet users are encouraged to update all their old passwords. Reminder campaigns are being held on social media.

Most people use a single password for different accounts. Some users are too lazy to come up with an individual code for each of them, while others simply forget to do so. The most popular password in the world is 123456, and the shortest is 1.

Today, fans of J.K. Rowling's series of books about the boy wizard can join the International Harry Potter Day.

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance - according to the story, the final battle for the wizarding world of Hogwarts took place on May 2, 1998. The protagonist defeated He Who Must Not Be Named.

Today is also the International Scurvy Awareness Day.

Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C in the body. The main symptom of scurvy is bleeding gums. The disease leads to a disruption of collagen synthesis, which causes the tissue to become soft and cartilage to be destroyed. As a result, brain activity is blocked and hormonal pathologies occur.

In Europe, the first symptoms of scurvy were described as early as the Crusades, but the disease became a real disaster for sailors and colonizers who were forced to spend weeks on ships at sea. Historians estimate that about a million sailors fell victim to the disease during the Age of Discovery.

Despite the fact that scurvy is easy to treat and prevention is effortless, cases of the disease are still reported in different parts of the world.

Today, Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate an important event of the last week of Lent - Maundy Thursday.

It was on Thursday that the Last Supper took place, during which Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples and predicted that one of them would betray him. This is exactly what happened: during a prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot, having received 30 pieces of silver, brought the guards who seized Jesus.

According to folk traditions, on this day people start preparing for Easter, and first of all, they clean and wash the windows. Before the sun rises, one must swim to "wash away" the sins that have accumulated over the year.

It is advisable to attend a church service on this day.

It is forbidden to quarrel on this day, to take offense at someone and insult others, to celebrate weddings and birthdays.

Today Boris, Gleb, Mikhail, and Roman celebrate their name days.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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